Macro Bytes: What next in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

Luke Bartholomew, Senior Monetary Economist
Bob Gilhooly, Senior Emerging Markets Economist
Edward Glossop, Emerging Markets Economist

Welcome to another week of our Macro Bytes podcast. In this episode recorded on 7 March 2022, our host Luke Bartholomew is joined by colleagues Edward Glossop, Emerging Markets Economist, and Bob Gilhooly, Senior Emerging Markets Economist, to talk through the consequences of  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The podcast looks at the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia and what this means for central bank reserves as well as the economic consequences outside of Russia and Ukraine in terms of energy pricing, supply chain disruption and the impact on wider commodity markets. 

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*** Med Standard Life Aberdeen avses relevant bolag i koncernen Standard Life Aberdeen, som utgörs av Standard Life Aberdeen plc tillsammans med dess dotterbolag, dotterbolagens dotterbolag och närstående bolag (såväl direkta som indirekta) som från tid till annan kan ingå i koncernen.

Risk disclaimer

The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested.
